【Back to Acoustic Guitar Festival】- 學結他.不一樣的選擇
Stepping into the third year, “Back To Acoustic” Guitar Festival is an event to promote guitar music in Hong Kong, organized by the well-known guitarist Jacky Lau. It contains 3 lectures and 2 concerts.
由著名結他演奏家Jacky Lau 劉卓威先生擔任音樂總監的 “Back To Acoustic“Guitar Festival(第3屆)包含3場專題講座及2場演奏會。
Besides of Classical Guitar Lecture and Fingerstyle Guitar Lecture, there will be a lecture targeting at children and teenagers. Through this lecture, we would like to promote guitar learning to the public, stimulate their interest and make it as the first choice in learning music.
Two concerts in different styles will be held, including Recital by Kenny Chan and Ensemble Concert featuring HKAPA Alumni. It provides guitar fans in Hong Kong with a great chance to enjoy guitar music in high quality.
兩場不同主題結他演奏會,包括新一代古典結他大師Kenny Chan 陳啟賢獨奏會及壓軸的演藝學院校友合奏音樂會,定能令全港結他樂迷一飽耳福。
Topic 主題 | 學結他.不一樣的選擇 | Fingerstyle Guitar Lecture | Classical Guitar Lecture |
Date 日期 | 2016年6月11日 (六) | 2016年6月12日 (日) | 2016年6月12日 (日) |
Time 時間 | 2:30 pm | 2:00 pm | 4:00 pm |
Content 內容 | 時至今日,學習鋼琴、小提琴等樂器,似乎太過普及,缺乏獨特性。結他可以是個不一樣的選擇,開拓不一樣的人生。 對象:家長、小朋友或任何對學結他有興趣之人士
送超實用「結他Lecture Notes」一份 |
Lecturer 講師 | Jacky Lau 劉卓威 |
Venue 地點 | Recital Hall, HKAPA 香港演藝學院演奏廳 |
Price 票價 | $130 / *$100 (Free Seating 不設劃位) *優惠票只適用於全日制學生、65歲或以上長者、殘疾人士。Discounted tickets: Full-time Students, Senior citizens aged 65 or above, people with Disability. |
Apply 購票 / 查詢 | 3575-9868 |
20% discount will be offered when purchasing tickets to any 3 or more events in “Back To Acoustic Guitar Festival”